Tuesday, 30 March 2021


It's neither the tree,

Nor its rustling leaves,

But the moments

That I spent

Together with my friends.

It's neither the tree's branches,

Nor the chirping brood in the nest,

But the songs

That I sang with my friends.

It's neither the tree's platform,

Nor the loitering dogs,

But the candid conversations

That I had with my friends.

When I returned here

After decades,

The only thing

That I missed

Were my friends,

The moments,

The songs,

And the conversations,

That have made

This tree indelible

In my heart.

Republished from my Instagram post.


TheShanker said...

यता बस्दा उताको याद, उता बस्दा यताको याद आउछन् । याद भन्ने कुरा साह्रै मीठो ।

sankuchy said...

हो, ठिक भन्नुभयो, शंकरजी। धन्यवाद।